William Lee Rand of the International Centre for Reiki Training had five Peace Medallions made, filled them with Reiki, then placed one at the North Pole, South Pole, Jerusalem, the International Centre for Reiki Training classroom and the Maluhia Lani Reiki Center.  He reached out and invited everyone to participate in World Peace Meditation monthly.  He has set out a schedule for the year and the meditation is always at 7:30 pm your local time on the scheduled Wednesday. 

I have copied the information for the meditation from his website below.  I have also provided a link to the World Peace Meditation Cards so you can download them.  You can also be added to his email list. I will be joining in the meditation tonight! World Peace Card Meditation Link ICRT

Send me an email and let me know if you participated!  Pass this on!

In Harmony, Health and Happiness!

"The next World Peace Card group meditation has been scheduled for Wednesday, July 15th at 7:30pm. This is local time in your time zone. This method has been chosen because of the special effect it produces. As people meditate in each successive time zone the energy builds like a wave which gets stronger and stronger as it circles the planet. Because of the higher dimensional nature of consciousness, the energy of peace will be transmitted for a full 24 hours and continue long after this.
Reports from those who took part in the previous meditations indicate many had powerful spiritual experiences. As they united with those taking part in the meditation a feeling of peace developed within that stayed with each for a long time. Some saw beautiful golden light surrounding the planet and others felt that a web of fear was dissipating and being replaced with trust in others and for our future.
All those who have received the cards are being asked to meditate on world peace at this time. By taking part in this group meditation, you’ll be joining thousands of people who will be using the cards to bring peace to the world. By joining together, the affect we have will be greatly multiplied. This powerful experience and will help shift the vibration of our wonderful planet into a higher state of consciousness. As you use the cards to meditate on world peace, you will be a beacon through which peace will spread around the planet which will have a positive uplifting effect on all people.

Please set aside this time to meditate with the cards. The suggested meditation period is 15 minutes, but of course you can meditate longer if you’d like to. The technique I’d like you to use is based on allowing yourself to be a beacon of peace. The World Peace Cards hold the vibration of the World Peace Grids which have been placed at spiritually significant locations and are relay stations for higher consciousness. By simply opening to their energy, you’ll become a channel for their love and peace which will flow through you to all the people on Earth. To do this, hold the cards in your hands or place them in front of you. Then simply meditate on peace. "  William Lee Rand, ICRT


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